Episode 33
Beyond the Wild Photo Feud Ron Hayes Beyond the Wild Photo Feud Ron Hayes

Episode 33

Our hosts, Ron Hayes, Jason Loftus, and Mark Raycroft, butt heads in a lively game of Photo Feud, debating unpopular opinions in wildlife photography.  Through a point-counterpoint format, each host must support a designated “for” or “against” position and delve into the pros and cons of each topic, providing insights into the evolving landscape of photography. Exploring the implications of affordable zoom lenses, the debate over the best camera to have on hand, the surge of new photography businesses following the holiday season, conservation photography and the modes of transportation used, as well as the ongoing discussion of whether shooting in RAW is necessary in the age of advanced camera technology. The conversation is lighthearted yet insightful, encouraging listeners to think critically about their photography practices and the tools they use. 

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